The first semester at NTNU School of Entrepreneurship (NSE) students are divided into rotating groups and conduct six different feasibility studies. The goal of a feasibility study is to investigate the commercialization potential of ideas, university research, or identify problems or opportunities. Feasibility studies at NSE are one of the most important and exciting activities in our program, as this is where many of our success stories begin. If you have an idea and would like to start a company with our students, you can share your idea with us!
Throughout the first semester, students at NSE will complete five feasibility studies, of which three of them are suited for external ideas like yours!
If you have an idea you, feel free to send in a one-page text describing the idea. Selected ideas will be subjected to a feasibility study over an intensive five-day period. Deliverables are a final written report and a presentation before an external panel as well as the inventor.
In December, the students form startup teams and choose business ideas based on which ideas went through the feasibility studies funnel. Together with the inventor, whose involvement may vary from idea to idea, the business team sets out to commercialize and create new business ventures.
To read more about the organization and process, please click here: Feasibility studies
The most relevant projects for NTNU School of Entrepreneurship are based on technology and should be at a relatively early stage of development. Before a group chooses to work on a project, the idea needs to go through a feasibility analysis. This means that we look deeper into the project – on elements such as: